Chanel Sutherland's Creative Journey


Chanel Sutherland's Creative Journey

Meet Chanel, a passionate writer who started on her creative journey at the age of five. For decades, Chanel viewed herself as a writer internally, but lacked the confidence to declare it openly. After more than 30 years of silent struggle, she finally found her voice and proudly stated, "I'm a writer." This breakthrough was made possible through the Thrive Coaching Program, which helped her confront and overcome her fears and insecurities.

Chanel’s Challenges

Before joining Thrive, Chanel's writing practice was inconsistent. She craved a daily writing routine, but felt lost on how to achieve it. The lack of structure and an accountability partner added to her struggles. Chanel wanted to redefine what writing meant to her, discover her peak creative times, and create a stress-free schedule. Guilt and anxiety haunted her whenever she wasn't writing, leading to sleepless nights, tears, and overwhelm. Despite knowing what she wanted to write, she faced creative blocks and over-editing, which resulted in weeks without engaging in her writing practice.

The Solution

Recognizing the need for change, Chanel applied to the Thrive Coaching Program. She found a program that was flexible, empathetic, and aligned with her life circumstances. Chelene Knight, award-winning writer and the coach behind Thrive, provided personalized support and created a safe space for Chanel to explore her creative self. Through regular check-in calls and detailed feedback, Chelene helped Chanel rediscover the joy of writing and embrace the creative process.

Chanel recalls, "What I found especially valuable was your openness to discuss topics beyond writing. In the past, others I've worked with always focused on writing and producing word counts. With you, we talked about mental health, exercise, eating well, taking breaks, and other aspects of life that impact writing."

Chanel’s Results

The impact of the Thrive Coaching Program on Chanel's life was profound. She gained the confidence to call herself a writer and started her own creative business, Dragonfly. The idea for Dragonfly sparked during one of her first calls with Chelene, and a year later, she was gearing up for its launch with ongoing support from Chelene. “I am more confident as a writer. I now tell people that I'm a writer, something I felt unable to do before Thrive. This shift has made a profound impact on both my personal and professional life.”

Chanel's approach to writing transformed significantly. She no longer fixated on daily word counts but embraced a more relaxed and joyful writing practice. This new mindset led to a more sustainable and enjoyable creative routine. Chanel shares, "I've redefined what writing means to me. It's no longer just about daily word counts; it's so much more than that now. As a result, ideas flow more freely than before."

Chanel's journey with Thrive not only enhanced her writing practice but also improved her overall well-being. The program's holistic approach, focusing on both personal and creative growth, provided Chanel with the tools to navigate her creative life with confidence and joy.


Chanel's story is a testament to the transformative power of the Thrive Coaching Program. Through personalized support, holistic guidance, and a nurturing environment, Chanel tapped into her true potential as a writer and creative entrepreneur. Her journey serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to embrace their creative self and build a fulfilling and sustainable creative practice.

Fun fact: Chanel is now starting Breathing Space Creative’s writing mentorship program!


Born in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Chanel M. Sutherland moved to Montreal, Quebec, when she was ten. She holds a BA in English Literature from Concordia University. She is writing her first book – a collection of short stories exploring the Caribbean immigrant experience, especially those dealing with girlhood.

In addition, she was awarded the 2022 Mariruth Sarsfield Mentorship, longlisted for the 2022 Commonwealth Short Story Prize, and shortlisted for the Max Margles Fiction Prize. Chanel was also included on the CBC Books 30 Writers to Watch list for 2022.

You can find Chanel online here.

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