the thrive coaching program
a coaching program for writers led by award-winning writer, Chelene Knight!
What makes The Thrive Coaching Program Different?
The Thrive Coaching Program is to your creative life what a personal trainer is to your physical fitness. We identify the areas in your life that need improving, and work the heck outta those muscles and teach you how to continue this work on your own.
“The root cause of my own burnout stemmed from a failure to set and communicate boundaries and a lack of self-worth—I was intensely afraid of being truly seen for who I am. Exploring my own truths has revealed that I am a natural curator. I craft my own shapes, templates, and structures, defining things in my unique language and recognizing the value in this. By leveraging this awareness, I have learned to write and publish consistently, building the creative career of my dreams based on who I am, not someone else’s template.”
—Chelene Knight