Stepping Away Can Help With Creative Balance


Stepping Away Can Help With Creative Balance

I used to think that taking breaks was just costing me time—time I just didn’t have to spare. What I didn’t realize years ago, before I started my journey into energy management, was how by not taking breaks I was actually refusing to take care of my own basic needs—something that, when I look back on it, makes me pretty damn emotional. But outside of the emotional reflection, by skipping time away from my work, I was missing out on the opportunity for big ideas—the kind of ideas that can only show themselves during moments of just … being.

Don't underestimate the magic of taking strategic breaks during your work or creative sessions. One of the biggest 'aha' moments I had when it came to creating more space to do the work I loved was that I needed to pull myself away from the desk often. It can be difficult, especially if you are working for yourself or building a new business. It’s natural to want to keep going. Maybe you’re working on a new manuscript and feel like you are in the flow, but you still need to tell yourself to step back. Whether you're a writer, artist, designer, or entrepreneur, stepping away from your work for a moment can lead to unexpected bursts of inspiration.

Your Environment Matters When it Comes to Creative Balance

Have you ever noticed how your mind starts to wander when you're in the shower (or is it just me)? I’m not sure what it is about water, but every big idea that’s ever been brought into fruition began while deep conditioning my hair or taking a relaxing bath. So now when I need to take a break, I think about how I can put myself in or near water (yes, that’s me paying attention to my patterns and what that data is telling me—water equals big ideas). If water doesn’t bring you space to think, try to brainstorm at least three potential spaces for you to spend time while stepping away.

Creative Balance is Closer Than You Think

Don’t let your mind (or society) tell you that taking breaks is a negative thing. The more you can slow down and pay attention to your mind chatter, the better chance you have at understanding those patterns and turning them into insights. Embrace those breaks. Whether it's a quick stroll around the block, a meditation session, or, like me, a refreshing shower, give yourself permission to step away from your creative work. It's not procrastination; it's part of the process. Think of it as priming the pump of creativity. By taking strategic breaks, you're giving your mind the chance to recharge and refuel. You're giving yourself an opportunity to dream too and without dreaming, what is it all for?

The idea for the Nourishing Word blog started in the shower too, just sayin’!