A quick chat with Zoe Grams of Upstart & Crow

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What do you do in the publishing realm?

I’m an entrepreneur, marketing strategist and publishing consultant. Essentially, I get to work with incredible people telling remarkable stories for social good. My roles include founder of ZG Stories, a literary marketing agency; marketing director for Vancouver Writers Fest; and co-founder of Upstart & Crow Literary Arts Studio, a fairly new space in Vancouver dedicated to storytelling in its myriad forms. Finally, I’m head of Momentum for Salmon Nation—an initiative dedicated to accelerating a regenerative economy in our bioregion—where I consult on media and publishing initiatives.

You wear many hats in the publishing industry. How do you stay balanced and motivated? How does wellness play a role?
Well, I’ll be honest: I don’t always manage to stay balanced! Motivation is never a problem, but remembering to get up from the computer after a long stretch is. Part of balance, for me, is acknowledging that working a lot isn’t an achievement, it’s a habit—and like anything else, it needs to be managed.

Spending time in the wild fundamentally changes how I see the world; my thinking goes from being internally- to externally-centred. And so whenever I can and COVID allows, I spend time on the shore, in the trees, on trails and pathways, because that significantly realigns my priorities, and fast.

Being organized also helps with wellness. Trusting myself to step away from the computer because I know it’s all in hand—and that I won’t have that 7pm-oh-no-I-forgot jolt—means that when I’m not working I can be fully present elsewhere. 

And, finally, for those of us lucky to do the work we love, we need to accept that it can’t all be done. That we’re all doing the best we can. That there is no clear end and that’s okay. 

Transparency and support are super important to us here at Breathing Space Creative. What is something you do in your role/s that often surprises people?

This is such an interesting question! What might surprise people is that most of my roles involve supporting others in theirs. I’m mindful that finding ways forward in the most innovative, supportive and effective ways possible is an art. How do we get from A to B? And is B really where we want to end up? What do we need to do now—and in the future—to get there? Those are the questions I get to play with each day. That appetite for big picture thinking with a willingness to dive deep into the details can sometimes take people by surprise—in a good way, I hope!

What advice would you have for someone just entering the publishing industry? Is there anything you wish you knew beforehand?

Honestly, the people I have recently met entering the publishing industry have knocked my socks off. Articulate, self-aware, considerate, true to their values and creative in their work.

And so my advice would be do more of that! And thank you! 

Otherwise, I’d say that I wish I had known, in my earlier career, that just as important as understanding the publishing landscape is recognizing that you don’t need to fully understand the entire landscape to find a place within it. 

My advice to folks wanting to enter the industry has been to speak to people. Ask for coffees. Ask more questions. Find out who’s who. It counts for a lot. 

But also recognize that we are constantly evolving creatures. Your role in publishing may change over time, just as your perception of the industry—and your work—will, too. So be bold. Try things. Don’t think that the role or area you’re currently in represents who you are in the industry. Don’t pressure yourself into knowing your fit. You’ll find it over time. And it will find you. 

Where can we find you and is there anything you are currently working on that you'd like to share with our followers?

Find me on my somewhat resurrected Twitter account (@zoegrams) or check out Ariel Hudnall and Ryann Anderson working their magic on ZG Stories’ Instagram @zgstories, sensational events @VancouverWritersFest, book tips from @upstartandcrow or the latest from the bioregion @salmonnation.

Chelene Knight